
Green Building

Green building is a SYSTEMS process

Green Building

This company’s road to becoming a green builder started in 2003, and they have learned with every home since. Our homes are certified through Green Built Home, the Wisconsin equivalent of Minnesota GreenStar. Their focus is now on implementing durable, environmentally friendly and responsible building practices and products. Making a home “green” can come down to detail: sealing can lights, caulking all sill and wall plates, and using locally and regionally produced materials to limit transportation pollution and energy consumption.

Croix Custom Homes makes smart choices, including the use of a furnace featuring a modulating ECM motor, which uses less energy to start each cycle. Smart product choices include Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified wood, 50-year shingles, cement board siding, and hardwood floors. Indoor air quality issues are addressed with radon mitigation system, proper ventilation, air cleaners and low or no VOC paints.

Our focus is on implementing durable, environmentally friendly and responsible building practices and products.